The WindDancer Foundation is a non-profit education foundation envisioned in 1996 by Michael Golembeski. It began as a life-long dream and became a 501(c)(3) in 2009 to become a reality.
The Pryor Wild Horse Refuge
Our vision: The WindDancer Foundation's imminent goal is to establish an education forum across America and around the world to those interested individuals, and students desiring to participate in the "Democracy Project." Become a member of the “WindDancer Foundation Youth Coalition” today. You can voice your concerns by becoming involved in the online course workbook series "Faces of the Wild Horses & Burro's." Your membership includes a free subscription to our newsletter “Wild Horse Hoof Beats” highlighting legal issues, up to date advocate news, and science related journal articles. All donations to the Foundation help fund our education projects including our road show exhibit to travel around the country, and other advocacy efforts. Send an e-mail to the WindDancer Foundation requesting your packet of information to become a youth coalition member and visit our blog page off the link on the home page.
Wherever we may live, our attitudes toward and our treatment of wild mustangs and burros serve as a statement of our responses to wildlife, wilderness areas and to the larger issues of societies faced with the necessities of conservation. Whether we decide to take positive and effective action to preserve our environment, sharing it with the species that make it their rightful home, will determine the quality of our lives and the lives of those who follow us. If the horse, the most closely allied with man throughout the centuries, fails to touch and motivate us to greater efforts, then today will be infinitely the poorer and all of our tomorrows a bitter "might have been."
The WindDancer Foundation invites you to share in our vision of the future. Please feel free to contact us for more information.