Michael with WindDancer, adopted
June 6, 1998
I adopted my mustang on June 6, 1998. He was gathered at the Piceance Basin in Colorado. At the time I had no inclination to develop a non-profit foundation. I had read a book, “America’s Last Wild Horses,” by Hope Ryden. I was hooked and began searching for my soon to be lifelong companion, WindDancer.
I was planning a trip to the Pryors herd area just outside of Lovell, Wyoming, on the Montana side of the border. A friend of mine, Barb Flores of AMBA, called me to stop by and see a mustang yearling of 20 months before taking my trip. I did drive over to see this mustang and immediately fell in love with him.
I left Colorado in 2004 to live in Flathead Valley but returned in February 2008, to reside in Fort Collins, Colorado. I was obsessed with getting my non-profit foundation approved and turned in my application that following November. I began to gather my wits about what the mission of the soon-to-be WindDancer Foundation was to accomplish with its educational premise, the Democracy Project. In April 2009, the official word arrived that my non-profit application was approved, and thus the WindDancer Foundation Inc. was born.
WindDancer & Sarah, winter 2004
Please take your time to read and get to understand the information on our website and our pledge to educate the youth and those interested individuals of our country and around the world about the “Wild Horse & Burro Program.” It will be through this education process that the future of mustangs and burros can be forever preserved for generations to come.